Table of Contents
Okay, real talk. How many times have you set a goal, hyped yourself up for it, and then… two weeks later, it’s poof—vanished into the abyss of forgotten dreams? Yeah. Same.
BUT. (And this is a big but.) I finally figured out why this happens and how to actually stick to goals without wanting to throw my planner out the window. Spoiler: It’s not about motivation. It’s about tricking your brain into doing the thing.
Step 1: The “Make It Stupidly Simple” Rule

The biggest mistake? We make goals sound way too fancy. Like, “I will increase my fitness levels and cultivate a healthier lifestyle.” That sounds like something a robot would say. No wonder we don’t stick to it.
Instead, be hyper specific.
- Bad: “I want to read more.”
- Better: “I will read 10 pages of a book before bed.”
- Best: “I will read 10 pages of that book I impulse-bought last month and never touched before bed.”
See? Now it’s so clear, you can’t cheat your way out of it.
Oh! And DO NOT make your goal sound like homework. If you phrase it like “I have to” instead of “I GET to,” your brain will rebel. Trust me, I’ve been there.
Step 2: Make It Hard to Ignore (aka Outrageous Accountability)

Left to my own devices, I will procrastinate everything. (I once put off doing laundry for so long I had to wear mismatched socks to a wedding.) So the trick? Make your goal IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.
Here’s how:
- Tell a friend who won’t let you slack off. Pick someone who thrives on calling you out. You need the kind of accountability that makes you slightly afraid.
- Put it somewhere visible. I wrote “WRITE 500 WORDS” on my bathroom mirror in dry-erase marker. Now every time I brush my teeth, I remember my goal and that I need to clean my mirror.
- Bet money on it. I once paid my friend $20 every time I skipped a gym session. I lost $60 before my brain was like, “Nope, we’re not doing this anymore.”
Step 3: The “Tiny Wins Count” Mindset Shift

We tend to think that if we can’t do something perfectly, it’s not worth doing at all. (Perfectionism is a scam, btw.) So instead of aiming for 100%, aim for consistency over intensity.
- Too tired to work out? Do one push-up.
- Can’t focus on writing? Write one sentence.
- Forgot to meditate? Take one deep breath.
Momentum > Perfection. Every. Single. Time.
Step 4: Trick Your Brain with Rewards (Because We’re All Basically Golden Retrievers)

Your brain loves instant gratification. So, if your goal is long-term (like saving money or learning a language), you need to bribe yourself along the way.
- Studied for 20 minutes? Treat yourself to a fancy coffee.
- Finished a workout? You EARNED that Netflix episode.
- Stuck to your writing goal for a week? Buy that new notebook.
The key? Make the reward immediate, not “when I achieve my goal.” Otherwise, your brain will be like, nahhh, we’ll celebrate later (and then never do it).
Final Step: Expect to Suck at First (and That’s Okay)
Listen. You WILL mess up. You WILL have days where you skip your goal. And that’s 100% normal.
The trick is to not let one bad day become a bad week.
Missed a workout? Who cares. Do it tomorrow.
Broke your streak? Start a new one.
Ate an entire pizza instead of meal-prepping? Same. Moving on.
Progress isn’t about never failing. It’s about not quitting when you do.

TL;DR (Because I Know You Skimmed):
- Make your goal so specific that you can’t cheat.
- Create outrageous accountability so you have to do it.
- Focus on tiny wins, not perfection.
- Bribe yourself with rewards along the way.
- Expect to suck at first. Just don’t quit.
And that’s it! Go forth and crush your goals. Or at least, you know… start them. 😜